About two years ago I joined the RSA and became one of more than 27,000 fellows worldwide.

However, given we've a global population of around seven billion it's unlikely that many people will ever have heard of the RSA.   Yet I did and do still believe it definitely has real potential in helping to bring about positive social change - something we desperately need right now.

Whilst TED talks might have been seen by many millions on YouTube, there are an infinite number of other great ideas being shared and often in ways more local than you might imagine.   So if you have ever struggled to find the answers and reasoned arguments that politicians rarely seem to provide these days, then I would recommend CEO of RSA, Matthew Taylor's blog posts https://www.thersa.org/discover/publications-and-articles/matthew-taylor-blog.

One of the things that the RSA are currently looking at is the continuing, disruptive and changing world of work and how we could as a nation bring about quality work for every citizen.

They are asking whether government, businesses large and small, employers, employees, individuals and communities could come together to create an economy that offers people the opportunity of work that is decent, fair and fulfilling?

If this sort of challenge appeals to you then why not google for more information or better still if you are free on Saturday 10th June, why not be brave and come along to the Oxford Town Hall, where local fellows have organised RSA Motivate.   

Think of the world of difference we could make if all seven billion of us committed to belong in this way....