Yet another article highlighting the reality behind our current housing crisis. I think more people should be questioning how we can have reached a point where since 2010 the number of new social homes has plummeted by 97 per cent, from almost 37,000 in 2010 to just over 1,100 last year?
How does current policy make it possible for the Government to be spending four times as much – some £32bn – subsidising private housing as it is building affordable homes for low income families? A recent study suggests 79% of the total housing budget is currently spent on higher-cost homes for sale, including through the controversial Help to Buy scheme, but only 21%, around £8bn, goes to affordable homes for rent.
So not surprising then that in another article this week the headline was number one reason for homelessness is now loss of an assured short hold tenancy.
John Healey, the Shadow Housing Secretary, said: “Affordable housebuilding is at a 24-year low as Conservative ministers have washed their hands of any responsibility to build the homes families on ordinary incomes need. Tory cuts cause 85 per cent fall in new homes for vulnerable people “Ministers have tried to hide their failure to build more affordable homes by branding more homes as ‘affordable’. The Conservative definition of ‘affordable housing’ now includes homes close to full market rent and those on sale for up to £450,000. ”Public concern about housing is around the highest level for 40 years. Millions of families are struggling with high housing costs. Faced with this, ministers have turned their back on the way they can help most: by building low-cost homes to rent and buy.